Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties

Before & After

Sump Pump and SaniDry Installation in Southport, CT

In this Southport, CT basement, there had been previous issues with the home's sump pump as well as there being a very outdated dehumidifier that was not performing nearly as well as other dehumidifers nowadays. Once the homeowner's realized these 2 problems, they decided to make a call to Connecticut Basement Systems with regards to having these two machines replaced.

Once CBS received the call, we quickly were able to bring over our newest sump pump and SaniDry dehumidifier. All that needed to be done was the installation which our team was able to do in a very timely fashion. With these two issues fixed, the homeowners had a much more reliable system in their basement and they were very gratfeul for the quick and professional work we did for them.