Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties

Before & After

TripleSafe Installation in Scarsdale, NY

A homeowner in Scarsdale, NY was getting water in their basement. They had an existing pump that was not working so they called us at Connecticut Basement Systems to solve their water problems. After scheduling an appointment, one of our Sales Consultants, Gus Stozinic, went out to the home to assess the issues and provide a solution that would ensure they would never get water in their basement again. 

Soon after it would be time for one of our Foremen, Antonio Diaz, and his team to install the proposed work. They began by installing our WaterGuard drain system below the perimeter of the basement to ensure that any water coming in through the walls or floors would get collected. Then they installed our TripleSafe sump pump system to take that collected water and pump it out of the home at a safe distance. Working together, these two systems will ensure that this basement stays dry no matter what.