Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties

Before & After

TripleSafe Installation in West Hartford, CT

A homeowner in West Hartford, CT was getting water into their basement through the walls. They made the right decision and called us at Connecticut Basement Systems to come out and solve their problems. After scheduling an appointment, one of our Sales Consultants, Jimmy Stablein, met with the customer in their home to estimate the issues and develop a proposal for the work. 

Soon after, it would be time for one of our Foremen, Moises Chantes, and his team to tackle the job. The team installed a WaterGuard system around the perimeter. Then they also installed our TripleSafe sump pump. These would work together to collect any water seeping in and then have it pumped out of the home through a discharge line at a safe distance. Now this home is dry and the homeowner can expect no water in the future!