Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


Foundation Friday - Concrete Lifting Right Next Door!

Foundation problems can affect not only the appearance of a building or business, but also the safety and value. This week, our neighbors at Microboard needed help taking their dangerous walkway from a tripping hazard to a smooth sidewalk. 

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Connecticut Basement Systems sent their Foundation Supportworks (FSI) team to assist. The FSI crew determined Microboard’s sidewalk needed Polylevel Injection Foam. The stability of concrete is determined by the soil underneath. If soil erodes and deteriorates over time, concrete may sink or create uneven and unsafe surfaces to walk on. CTBS’ Polylevel system provides expert solutions; the Polylevel Foam is expanding polyurethane foam that can be injected under concrete to help fill and raise gaps created by soil erosion. 

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Microboard’s sidewalk had a noticeable, one-inch gap that was currently filled with a rubber stopper to prevent employees from tripping. The crew got to work, drilling the hole for the injection spot, and bringing the hoses from the truck to pump in the Polylevel Foam. Using a level, some flat pencils to ensure the concrete was lifting, and the injector pump, the team watched results in real time. 

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Slowly, our team pumped in the Polylevel, and the concrete began lifting. The product itself does not cause any harm to the soil or surroundings, so no need to worry about harming any pets or critters that might be in the area. After about fifteen minutes, the concrete or foundation should be secure to walk and operate on. 

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FSI taped and sealed off the area to complete the process. The drill hole was filled with cement, and the sidewalk crack was filled with epoxy cement to smooth the rest of the affected area. The entire process took a little over an hour and a half, and the one-inch gap was eliminated -- no precautionary cone needed! 

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Interested in seeing just how the process went down? CTBS recently started our own TikTok account! Follow us at to get a closer look at jobs, services, and how our products work. To see the job start to finish, check out out timelapse video on our company's Instagram page. Way to go, FSI!