Serving Connecticut, Westchester and Putnam Counties


A Recipe for Disaster: Rains, Floods and Tornadoes...Are you prepared?

A Recipe for Disaster Rains Floods and TornadoesAre you prepared - Image 1It’s that time of the year again, between June and November where tropical storm and hurricane season is in full swing. The National Weather Service has broadcasted an enhanced threat of severe storms in the mid-Atlantic region with the high probability of destructive winds and swamping rains. Hurricanes and tropical storms are not to be taken lightly. They can cause hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. I know what you’re thinking if you live in the up northern region of the U.S.- that these kinds of storms don’t reach you. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that every year there’s a high possibility these uninvited rainstorms can reach all the way from Texas to Maine. So yes, Connecticut and Westchester county, N.Y. is at risk of flooding and other substantial damages.

How Much Rain Does a Typical Tropical Storm Produce?

In the United States, about 1/4th of the annual rainfall is produced from the average 100 scattering hurricanes that try to make its way to shore and even if the winds die down, torrential downpours may continue to sweep the region.

Are You at Risk?

Unless you live in a treehouse 30 ft. above ground or in space, you’re at risk for your house being flooded.Water can and will sneak its way into your home from a multitude of ways. Below are some of the main entrances for this uninvited nuisance.

  • Basement flooding from stairways- Water can flow through the hatchway and down the stairs even if you have a sump pump already. ( Not unless you have our Triple Safe Sump Pump System! If that’s the case, you can sit back and not stress about this issue!)

  • Basement flooding through wall / floor cracks- This is self-explanatory, if there’s cracks in your walls and floors, no matter how big or small, water will stream into your basement with ease.

  • Basement flooding through leaky windows- One of the most frequent ways that water overflows into a less than perfect basement is through its windows.

If your home suffers from any of these issues, the experts here at Connecticut Basement Systems are here to help you and your family plan and prepare against the fast approaching storm season! Give us a call at 1-800-638-7048 to schedule a no obligation, on site free quote today!

How Can You Prepare?

Have no fear the TripleSafe Sump Pump System is here! During most severe rain storms, flooding and power outages are very likely. With our patented design you will never have to worry about your basement flooding when the power fails. Our Sump Pump system comes equipped with a reinforced battery that operates independently. The first lowest sitting pump would turn on when water is entering at a rate of 2,220 gallons of water an hour. If that’s not enough to rid the water, a second pump automatically starts working at pumping water at 3,900 gallons an hour. And if the rain keeps flooding in a third pump works relentlessly at 11,500 gallons an hour, which is the equivalent to half the size of an Olympic swimming pool. As a precautionary measure, an automatic alarm will be set off only when the third pump starts to notify you and your family.

We have a multitude of floor drains that can accompany our Triple Safe Sump Pump. The ideal choice and most widely used for a basement that is prone to flooding is our Water Guard Below-Floor Drain. This system is not only an award winning patented design, it also has many advantages:

  • Installed Out of The “Mud Zone”- The mud zone is the area where other drains are usually clogged and stop working effectively because of it.

  • Anti-Clog Design- Our design has a unique shape and large drain opening helping to present clogs in the system

  • Collects Leaking Water from Walls

  • Includes A Written Lifetime Warranty- Our most widely used drain system!

Now that you have an idea of the potential risks due to the steadfast flood risks beginning to sweep your area, we at Connecticut Basement Systems are here to ensure and educate you and your family on how to be safe and secure during mother nature’s inevitable mood swing season.

Contact us now for a free estimate!

In Connecticut we service East Windsor Hill, Lakeside, Winchester Center, Mashantucket, Versailles and surrounding areas. In New York we service Putnam Valley, Buchanan, Elmsford, North Salem, Shenorock and surrounding areas.